Under the government of Jair Bolsonaro, the divisions have been growing along with the deepening of political polarization, including in the cultural, social and Whatsapp Mobile Number List environmental fields, which used to be part of a common denominator that, since the 1988 Constitution, included the defense of human rights, racial quotas, gender policies, indigenous rights and the protection of the Amazon and natural reserves. In the case of Turkey, there is now a split between the "secular" bourgeoisie of Istanbul and the rapidly growing religious (Muslim) bourgeoisie from the Anatolian region; between those who support democracy and
After years of sustained (and relatively high) economic growth rates and democratic consolidation efforts, Brazil and Turkey today face an economic crisis and the resurgence of authoritarian leadership. ErdoÄŸan and Bolsonaro were elected by popular vote, but both Whatsapp Mobile Number List constantly challenge political institutions, whose Whatsapp Mobile Number List the rule of law, democracy and human rights. The contempt for political pluralism, social diversity and scientific knowledge seems to unite both leaders within their respective nations. However, out doors, they have implemented opposite approaches. After some convergences at the international level, such as the DavutoÄŸlu-Amorim plan of 2010 to resolve the Iranian nuclear conflict,
After a personal alliance between Donald Trump and Bolsonaro that implied Brazil's complacency and docility towards Washington's interests, the country that was once a South American leader and a builder of North-South bridges is about to become an Whatsapp Mobile Number List international pariah, in the context of important regional and multilateral negotiations. In the case of Turkey, after years of frustrated negotiations with Brussels on its entry into the eu and despite its accession to nato , Ankara is looking towards the East and perhaps could become a key ally of the Sino-Russian axis of the security and development8.